An Accumulation of Memory
"What is it that keeps us moving, keeps willing our feet one in front of the other? What are we reaching for though we cannot see what is in front of us?
Our minds are like two hands cupped and holding precious water that reflects the sky.
We move along the path from past to future, memories in our backpacks, faces turned towards the infinite, confident that one day we will understand all. For now, what we know is the everyday, the commonplace, what is before us.
In the process of looking outward for what is essential and important to communicate through the painted surface, I found that I eventually looked inward. I've always looked for the magic: the sacred, the hidden meaning, whatever makes my spirit reach out."

36"x74" acrylic and graphite on wood panels

5' x 5' acrylic on wood panel

5' x 5' acrylic on wood panel

48"x48" acrylic on wood panel

6' x 9' acrylic on canvas

6' x 6' acrylic and graphite on wood panel

6' x 6' acrylic and chalk on wood panel

6' x 6' acrylic and chalk on wood panel

5' x 5' acrylic on wood panel