Dreams of Flying
"Everything I have ever done, and every piece of art I have made, has been influenced by a profound connection with nature. My paintings are not literally about trees or birds, but about that anti-gravity feeling of being lifted up.
My techniques include many layers of thin washes in both acrylics and oils, and some drawing with pastels and graphite. I soften and cover up the basic drawing to achieve a dreamy or at times out-of-focus appearance.
Trees, to me at times, look not so much like they are growing upward from the earth, but are hanging from the sky. I am painting the non-attachment of the spirit. What I paint is not what I see before me but where my spirit wants to be."
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” ~Langston Hughes

"Dreams of Flying" at the Hill Gallery

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas.

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas. SOLD.

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas. SOLD.

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas.

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas. SOLD.

22x48", Acrylic and oils on canvas.

30x30", Acrylic and oils on canvas.

30x30", Acrylic and oils on canvas.

30x30", Acrylic and oils on canvas.